That Vice Captain Speech

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hey guys
Yup, so it had to come to this again, late posts. I was suffering from this thing called writers block! I tried writing stuff but it just never happened. But today I decided that I WILL post a blog! Even though a LOT of people aren't reading these blogs I post, I'm very thankful to the ones who actually do! So whoever is reading this, even if it's just this post, I thank you! So basically this year I got to contest in the house elections and I was pretty confident at first but I have to say my fellow contestants delivered absolutely A-MAZING speeches so I have a very slim chance of winning but I still thought that I'd share my experience and maybe some tips! So first here's how my speech went,
Good afternoon to everyone present here,
They say that you must leave your audience before your audience leaves you so I've kept my speech like the latest fashion, long enough to cover the subject but short enough to keep it interesting! My name is Sanjana and I'd like to thank the holy shrine that answers all my questions, also known as Google, for those punch lines. I'm just your typical teenage girl, for example, I love troubling my brother so much that he once said that he'd rather watch Twilight than listen to another word I have to say! And I also love baking even though the cakes I bake taste soo bad, you just do not want to know! But basically I am faar from perfect but I do believe I can bring loads of good and positive things to Red House as vice captain! Like the fact that I'm never prejudiced, I like everyone equally or I hate everyone equally! #sarcasm to those who took it seriously, I actually truly do like everyone! Now, I may not always know what I'm doing but I WILL try and make things BETTER, and if I make a mistake I promise I'll ask for YOUR help! I can't do this alone but if you'll take a chance on me and put  your faith in me, I PROMISE, you will NOT be disappointed! So I look forward to working with everyone here this year, no matter what the outcome of this election may be, to take red house to the only position it's ever know and that as we all know is the top! Thank you!

Yup so that was my speech! So if you are contesting in some election anytime I would honestly say, just be confident! Don't be over confident though, cause that can actually screw things up! BELIEVE that you WILL win! And even if you don't, DO NOT let that bring you down!! It's their loss anyways! So yup, again thank u for reading this and I hoped you liked reading it as much I as liked writing it! Until next time! 

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