That Students Talk

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hi there.
Long time no see would be the most appropriate thing to start off with. Emphasis on the long.
The past couple of months have been an absolute whirlwind and I have no idea where the time went. 
When I started off this year, I had a plan. Amongst other things I set out to do, I promised myself I would write a blogpost every single month. As you can see, that completely went down the drain. The thing is, I did remember each month, I just kind of hid from it, and avoided it. I had a vision for this blog and I felt like if I felt I'm going to write only because I kind of have to, then the whole "vision" falls through, and ultimately, there's no point in writing and this blog becomes one of those generic blogs I have always dreaded.
So on the off chance there is anybody who noticed my absence, hi once again and I'm terribly sorry.
If you didn't notice or are new, hi to you too! Welcome to my little corner on the internet. Or welcome back. I don't know. Let's move on to the actual post, shall we?
So a couple of months ago we had to come up with a speech or our Students Talk. 
As some of you probably know, I have a fascination with the term 'Without Wax', it's meaning, it's origin, just everything, so I decided to talk about it and incorporate the ideas around it.
Well it went something like this,

"Good morning to everyone present here.
Today, for my student’s talk, I’d like to share with you all something that I read in a novel. So, back in the 16th century, certain artists would smear hot wax into the cracks and faults on their sculptures. They would then brush over it with stone dust. Their sculptures would end up looking flawless to the human eye. However, this method was considered cheating and any work of art which was finished without using wax was called sine cera, which
literally translates to Without Wax. Works done without wax were considered to be a sincere piece of work. That is why till this day, we sign our letters as ‘sincerely’ as a promise to the reader that the words they have written are true and from the heart. 
Now, let me ask you this, have you ever really wanted to do something but you thought you wouldn’t be able to do it so ended up not even trying it at all? 
When you had the training wheels of your cycle removed, you were probably scared at first but I’m pretty sure you got the hang of it quite soon.
The question is, why you succeeded in learning how to ride yet failed in achieving some of your other goals?
The answer is simple: because you were sure that you were going to be able to ride long before you sat on that cycle. You saw everyone around you succeeding in doing it and so were convinced that there's nothing particularly hard about it, even though it really is a complicated skill.
Billions of people fail to live the life they have always wished to live. They fail to realize their ambitions and give up on their big dreams as soon as they encounter the first obstacle. To me, giving up is not their biggest mistake, not believing in themselves and changing themselves in hopes that they’ll be better suited for something is. 
Trying to hide the flaws you have and be someone you aren’t is something I forbid you to do. 
Standing here and looking into the crowd before me, I see artists, I see dancers, I see singers, I see writers but most importantly, I see dreamers. I hope each and everyone one of you stand today without wax. Whatever flaws or beliefs you have, no matter how weird they are, I say, embrace it. If you believe that you could be the one to cure cancer or eradicate world poverty, then don’t let anybody change your mind. It’s what you believe and what you stand by and if people don’t get you, it doesn’t matter. If you don't believe in yourself, you will end up discarding your ideas and no one will remember you. On the other hand, if you believed in yourself and continued fighting for what you want then people may reject your ideas in the beginning but they will be forced to believe in you in the end after seeing your success. That is perhaps the greatest risk that any of us will take, to be seen as we truly are. Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is a man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another. With that, I’d like to wrap this up with a quote by one of my most favourite authors, Dr. Seuss, Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind, don’t matter and those who matter, won’t mind.
I’m Sanjana Ramesh, I’m without wax, Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead."

So yeah, that went ok-ish I guess :P
By ok, I mean I was a hair follicle away from a nervous breakdown when I walked onto the stage and my heart was in my throat the entire time. 
Once again, I hope all of you are doing ok! 
Thank you for taking your time to read this, as always it means the world to me.
Until next time, Auf Wiedersehen.

Without Wax,

That Indian Blogger

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