Last Day?

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hey guys!
Hope you are all doing well.
This post is probably going to be way too emotional and maybe a little more dramatic than it needs to be. Then again, that is the person I am, a sappy romanticist in every way and proud, just, don't say I didn't warn you.

29th November 2016.
To some it's just another day, I know it as my granddad's birthday but as of yesterday I'm also going to always remember it as something else as well.
It started off as a completely normal day. The only thing I was excited about was celebrating my grandad's 80th later that day. Music, food and family, I mean as an overworked and exhausted 12th grader, what more could you want? :P  I went to school knowing that not a lot of 12th graders would come so I thought there wouldn't really be anything exciting or important happening. I cannot tell you how wrong I ended up being.
During the last five minutes of school, we found out that that was our last working day. All of us knew the day was coming but when it suddenly became very real, it hit me, hard.
I was not prepared to hear that.
I managed to keep it together up until I reached home where I'm not ashamed to tell you (ok maybe a little embarrassed), that I completely broke down and cried my heart out.
Now, I know I'm going to see my friends and classmates quite a few times over the next couple of months, there's no need really to become quite emotional already but spending the last 13 years in the same school and being told that it's all over and that I didn't get to spend it with some of my best friends was just sad and again, it kind of hit me hard.
I can already imagine some of you cringing right about now. Such first world problems isn't? :P
I did warn you.
Do bear with me, I'm trying to keep this as short as possible :P
For 13 years I came to the same place, met the most amazing people, had a lots of ups and downs, experienced a lot of things, I saw people come and go and to simply put it, it was one hell of a roller coaster ride, but to be honest I wouldn't have had it any other way because it has made me the person I am today. Now if that person is good or bad is up to you but it won't change the fact that I'm a little proud of who I have become and it's all because of everything that has happened to me during my time at school.
The thought of not coming back to school everyday, not standing in the hot sun during assemblies anymore, not trying to bunk classes, not counting down the seconds until the lunch break bell goes off, not being yelled at in the corridor for not shutting up, not being able to see my friends each morning, not being able to root for my house during matches so much that I lose my voice, kind of scares me.
No matter how small of a role you might've played in my 13 years at CMR, thank you.
I'm trying my best to not make this sound like it's the end because it really isn't but just, know how grateful I am.
A special thanks to 12A for making the past two years absolutely incredible. I made some really good friends and made some really special memories. It has definitely been my favourite years of school and each and every one of you played a major role in that. Some of you inspired me, some of you made me smile, some of you made me laugh, some of you made me cry(not in a bad way :P), some of you awed me, some of you taught me to look at life differently, just, Thank You. I never thought I'd open up to people outside my best friends circle but you guys just took down my walls but I'm really glad you did.
The best friends, you guys know who you are :P I can't thank you enough, I'll save that for another blog post xD Just know that I love you guys to bits and that y'all are irreplaceable.

'Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.' is what I'm going to be telling myself over the next couple of days :P

Before I start tearing up again I'm going to end here.
Thank you for taking your time to read this! Hopefully, you liked it :)
Until next time.
Auf Wiedersehen.

Without Wax,
That Indian Blogger

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