Anxiety is real.
Monday, July 16, 2018
Hey guys!
We're halfway through 2018 already. How?! My last post was welcoming the new year.😂
Hope you guys are having a good year so far! If you aren't, do not worry, you have another six months left, own it, I know you can.
So today's post is hard for me to write about.
Speaking about it out loud is hard enough. I can never find the right words.
So something I do is that I overthink and worry about different things way too much. Nobody overthinks things more than I do, trust me. Lately, it's gotten worse and I wanted to do something to put an end to it.
I over-analyze and unnecessarily dissect situations. I just can't stop myself.
It goes from the tiniest of things like if someone doesn't reply to a message I will almost always think I've said the wrong thing.
I then sometimes question my abilities to do things, millions of people will be able to do it but I end up questioning my abilities. Why?!
Coming out of an exam, I know I would've done the best I can but head always goes to the question WHAT IF.

It always boils down to this question.
'What if?'
My head always goes to the worst case scenario.
It's a downward spiral from there. A spiral I can't get out of. In some cases, I'm gripped with fear. I've actually found myself literally shaking with fear. Turns out, that's not just an expression.
My heart is racing a million miles an hour, I'm shaking with fear, this massive adrenaline rush comes out of nowhere and I literally don't know what to do. This has happened multiple times this past year.
I hate being in the unknown, I like to have every single thing planned and when I'm in a situation like that, everything is thrown out the door and I'm literally stuck.
It is both, a boon and a bane. Lately, it's been a major bane though. It's gotten to the point where I just can't go on like this anymore, I need to make some changes.
Anxiety is defined in many ways but according to the dictionary it's an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future or it's just something that causes you to worry, but an excess of this like what I've been experiencing this past couple of months is not good for you.
Something that I've noticed while reading up on ways to get better is that in India we do not acknowledge mental health as much as we should. People don't think anxiety and anxiety disorders are real and that's what made me want to write about it. It looks like people going through things like this are afraid to speak up or just don't want to be looked at differently. I get it, like I know I might have people looking at me weirdly after this, but I strongly recommended people to talk about all this more.
I always feel like nothing is scarier than having all these feeling build up inside of you and feel like you're alone in your struggle because the truth is you're not. There are so many people going through exactly what you may be going through and nothing is more comforting than letting it all out. That is your first step in the right direction. I believe that if we take the right steps then we can beat it and take control of our lives. Anxiety does have the ability to control your life but I know that it's something that can be defeated with the right steps.
A few things that I've learned that help me is to first take a step back from the situation or thing that worries you, take a deep breath and just forget about it. Ask yourself, what's the worst that can happen, my mom always asks me to do this. In the end, when you think about it, you will always find solutions to overcome even those worst-case scenarios, there is nothing that can stop you. I've also found that finding a distraction helps so much, for me it's been endless Korean dramas and variety shows😂. Listening to music and just going out for long walks is a massive help. I've read that meditation and yoga help loads too, I haven't tried that out yet but it's definitely something that I want to get into. The biggest help though at the end of the day is to talk about it with friends and family because it's always so good to get another set of eyes on your situation and tell you that everything is going to be ok. If you feel like you don't have that kind of person in your life, feel free to hit me up in the DMs anytime. I want to stress the fact that you're not alone so much.
We got this. You're given this life only because you're strong enough to handle it so never feel like you can't, and I know it's cliche but never give up.
To the people who don't relate to this post, please be understanding of the people going through things like this, it's not a joke, Anxiety is real, and if you spend some time with someone you know going through this and just truly listen to them, it's all that's needed to get them feeling a whole lot better. If you laugh about it or don't take them seriously, it will only give them more reasons to worry about other than the situation they're already in and just make them feel worse. So spread kindness around like confetti ALWAYS.
Again, I know it's a different post but I hope it helped someone out there.
Honestly feel free to hit me up if you're feeling lost or scared, anxious or maybe you don't have anxiety but you just want someone to talk to, I got your back.
Hope you guys liked this week's post! It's something so different and scary so let me know what you think!
Hope you have an amazing day.
Auf Wiedersehen.
We're halfway through 2018 already. How?! My last post was welcoming the new year.😂
Hope you guys are having a good year so far! If you aren't, do not worry, you have another six months left, own it, I know you can.
So today's post is hard for me to write about.
Speaking about it out loud is hard enough. I can never find the right words.
So something I do is that I overthink and worry about different things way too much. Nobody overthinks things more than I do, trust me. Lately, it's gotten worse and I wanted to do something to put an end to it.
I over-analyze and unnecessarily dissect situations. I just can't stop myself.
It goes from the tiniest of things like if someone doesn't reply to a message I will almost always think I've said the wrong thing.
I then sometimes question my abilities to do things, millions of people will be able to do it but I end up questioning my abilities. Why?!
Coming out of an exam, I know I would've done the best I can but head always goes to the question WHAT IF.

It always boils down to this question.
'What if?'
My head always goes to the worst case scenario.
It's a downward spiral from there. A spiral I can't get out of. In some cases, I'm gripped with fear. I've actually found myself literally shaking with fear. Turns out, that's not just an expression.
My heart is racing a million miles an hour, I'm shaking with fear, this massive adrenaline rush comes out of nowhere and I literally don't know what to do. This has happened multiple times this past year.
I hate being in the unknown, I like to have every single thing planned and when I'm in a situation like that, everything is thrown out the door and I'm literally stuck.
It is both, a boon and a bane. Lately, it's been a major bane though. It's gotten to the point where I just can't go on like this anymore, I need to make some changes.
Anxiety is defined in many ways but according to the dictionary it's an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future or it's just something that causes you to worry, but an excess of this like what I've been experiencing this past couple of months is not good for you.
Something that I've noticed while reading up on ways to get better is that in India we do not acknowledge mental health as much as we should. People don't think anxiety and anxiety disorders are real and that's what made me want to write about it. It looks like people going through things like this are afraid to speak up or just don't want to be looked at differently. I get it, like I know I might have people looking at me weirdly after this, but I strongly recommended people to talk about all this more.
I always feel like nothing is scarier than having all these feeling build up inside of you and feel like you're alone in your struggle because the truth is you're not. There are so many people going through exactly what you may be going through and nothing is more comforting than letting it all out. That is your first step in the right direction. I believe that if we take the right steps then we can beat it and take control of our lives. Anxiety does have the ability to control your life but I know that it's something that can be defeated with the right steps.
A few things that I've learned that help me is to first take a step back from the situation or thing that worries you, take a deep breath and just forget about it. Ask yourself, what's the worst that can happen, my mom always asks me to do this. In the end, when you think about it, you will always find solutions to overcome even those worst-case scenarios, there is nothing that can stop you. I've also found that finding a distraction helps so much, for me it's been endless Korean dramas and variety shows😂. Listening to music and just going out for long walks is a massive help. I've read that meditation and yoga help loads too, I haven't tried that out yet but it's definitely something that I want to get into. The biggest help though at the end of the day is to talk about it with friends and family because it's always so good to get another set of eyes on your situation and tell you that everything is going to be ok. If you feel like you don't have that kind of person in your life, feel free to hit me up in the DMs anytime. I want to stress the fact that you're not alone so much.
We got this. You're given this life only because you're strong enough to handle it so never feel like you can't, and I know it's cliche but never give up.
To the people who don't relate to this post, please be understanding of the people going through things like this, it's not a joke, Anxiety is real, and if you spend some time with someone you know going through this and just truly listen to them, it's all that's needed to get them feeling a whole lot better. If you laugh about it or don't take them seriously, it will only give them more reasons to worry about other than the situation they're already in and just make them feel worse. So spread kindness around like confetti ALWAYS.
Again, I know it's a different post but I hope it helped someone out there.
Honestly feel free to hit me up if you're feeling lost or scared, anxious or maybe you don't have anxiety but you just want someone to talk to, I got your back.
Hope you guys liked this week's post! It's something so different and scary so let me know what you think!
Hope you have an amazing day.
Auf Wiedersehen.