The Ugly Truth
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Hey guys! So today it's the time for your dose of my emotional/deep, whatever you'd like to call it, writing! By reading this title you may start to think its about the Wimpy Kid book 'The Ugly Tryth' but let me tell you, the content of this post is very very far from that!
So basically my mom and I were just casually having this girls day out and shopping (like every mom and daughter do!) and stuff and suddenly got to talking about these certain people and the bad things they have done to her life and I just got this shot of my "REALITY facing time" thing! Basically like I realised they are absolutely terrible and horrible people in this world (just like in the movies!) and I really didn't understand why it had to be so! Call me naïve or whatever but I just wanted to live in this world of mine that we all have lived in at some point when we're kids! This world where there's basically no bad people! I have to admit that obviously I may not get a lot of stuff like why do people that do the bad things want to do them anyways, even if they are well off, or other than money maybe what do they get out of it?! Cause I sure as hell know that money never brings true happiness! (In time I'll hopefully understand!) But now the number of people on the good side is decreasing at a fast pace and everybody is changing for the worse and I just really really don't like that! It's things like this that makes you loose faith in humanity, you know! I guess the message I really sort of want to put forward is that we don't have to live in this world of dementors (yay for Harry Potter references!) as long as we don't stray off the good path we are on! I have that much faith in humanity left which makes me believe that most of us in this world are on a good path! We may have ended on this path through various means and people but as long as we stay on this without diverging into other roads it will lead us somewhere! And make this world a better place!
I'm so sorry that this isn't one of those posts with my "quirky" self but I guess I have to put one of these sort of posts every now and then! I hope you liked reading it and many of you could relate to the feeling! Thank you (yes YOU! :P) for taking some time and reading this post no matter how dry and boring I made it out to be! :P
Ps- I am going on vacation to Europe on Tuesday! VERY EXCITED! Like I mentioned in my last post, Europe is absolutely gorgeous and I really can't wait to go! The reason I mentioned this is because I'll probably not be posting whilst I'm there so I'm sorry for that but once I come back expect LOADS of posts coming your way!
Ps- I am going on vacation to Europe on Tuesday! VERY EXCITED! Like I mentioned in my last post, Europe is absolutely gorgeous and I really can't wait to go! The reason I mentioned this is because I'll probably not be posting whilst I'm there so I'm sorry for that but once I come back expect LOADS of posts coming your way!
Songs for the day:-
Let it go - Frozen (yes, I decided to add the song that the world is obsessing about because sometimes I like to go mainstream!)