January Favourites
Sunday, February 02, 2014
Hey guys!! So January has come to come to an end! I can't believe that one month of 2014 has already gone by so fast! So I thought I'd do this thing at the end of every month! I'm gonna go mainstream and call it January favourites. Basically I'll just write a little on all the stuff I've loved this month! Hopefully I'll continue this every month and I hope you guys like it!
1. First up I was absolutely in love with this chocolate (I said 'was' because now there's nothing left!; n don't judge...I did have a lot of help from my brother! :P) -
It is honestly a class apart and as always Lindtt never fails to disappoint us! It is honestly the best chocolate I have ever had! If you ever get your hands on one of these do not hesitate to have one!!
2. Last month I had been loving (and still am loving) cycling for some reason! And hence I've been loving my cycle which is the Giant XTC. I guess I'm sort of gearing up for the 9th of Febuary which is the date for the Vodafone cycling marathon in Bangalore!

But even then I've got this sudden "urge" to become fit and cycling seems like a fun way to do it! :P
3. This one thing you should know about me is that if I love a song I keep listening to it again and again and again (like literally) so many times that I get bored of it! The last time that happened was when Here's to Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne came out! And this time it was with Team by LORDE!
I don't know why but the whole month I had been listening to that song again and again and again and I haven't got bored of it yet! So anyways check that song out!
4. Last month I also loved this certain group of British Youtubers! Yes I am talking about Aflie Deyes, Zoella, Joe Sugg, Tanya Burr, Jim Chapman, Jacksgap etc etc.
If you haven't heard of them you really have to check them out because they are really funny and amazing and deserve a shoutout! They really do keep you occupied when you are bored!
5. Last month I had also been loving Instagram!
It must seem really random! But I seriously think it's very nice and I even posted pics every day during the beginning of the month for the January photo challenge but that turned out to be an epic fail cause I didn't post pics after the 21st of Jan I think!
6. I know this movie was released quite a long time ago but I never got the chance to see it and I recently got my hands on it and I have been loving it! It's the one and only Monsters University!
When I was around 5/6 years old I absolutely loved Monsters Inc so Monsters University was really fun to watch! It's basically a sequel/prequel at the same time. I have watched this movie quite a few times last month so I guess I had to have it in this month's favourites!
Anyways this was a small list of things I loved in the month of January! What are the things you loved? I would love to know! Leave them in the comments below! Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it! :)