Hey guys!
It's October. How are we in October already?!
I also turned 19 recently, final year as a teen, what even.
Turning 19 doesn't feel any different though. I feel like there needs to be something almost ceremonious to mark this final teenage year, but there's nothing. If anything it has told me I need to pull myself together. I'm probably the most childish person I know (I may or may not have a dozen Disney songs on my playlist at the moment), and somethings telling me I need to maybe grow up a tiny bit.
So I've wanted to write this post for a while now. I thought about the title for quite a bit. "How to put it in a way that no one judges me." I then decided that life is way too short to worry about things like this😂 and therefore decided to put it as exactly what it is.
Social media ruined my life.
In today's world, I feel it's fair to say that almost everyone you bump into is on social media. The impact one can bring about via a following on social media is actually insane.
Apart from having the ability to pretty much sway the world, Social Media has made the world such a small place. You get to see what everyone is up to each day no matter where in the world they are. What we don't get sometimes is that Social Media is such a filtered version of someone's life. It may be all rainbows and unicorns on someone's page but we can never really tell if it's all rainbows and unicorns in their life.
What I find myself doing on Social Media is comparing myself to people I see on there, a lot. You may not relate, in which case I applaud you and I want to be like you, but I'm the sort of person with a super low self-esteem. Social Media also happens to have such negative vibes. A lot of people on there are hiding behind a phone or a laptop and hence get all the courage they wouldn't normally have, to spew hate on there. You may go through loads of good comments about you, but the one negative comment you find will haunt you longer is what I've found.
All sort of Social Media numbers bothered me a lot too. Likes, follows, followers, comments, I just wanted to run away from it all.
Recently something happened to my account and it bothered me so much, way more than it should have. The thought of potentially losing the account with the following and base that I had scared me and it shouldn't have. "How will I promote my blog", "How will I build up what I had from scratch", were just a few things that kept going on in my head. The same day I came across the following tweet

I realised I do not want to be that person. Social Media is not who I am, it hit me that even if I lose the account, I don't lose myself and there should be nothing more important to me than myself. If there's anything my low-key obsession with BTS (anti-K-POP and anti-BTS peeps stay with me on this xD) has thought me is that I come first. You can't even fall in love with anyone else without learning to love yourself first. Once you accept yourself for who you are, everything else falls into place, you get this adrenaline rush and feeling of "I can change the world and no one can stop me" and you know what? You can. Once you believe you can, you're already halfway there.
Don't let Social Media get to you the way it got to me. I won't deny all the good things that come out of Social Media, I've met some of the best people online, just remember to love yourself, keep your chin up, and throw kindness around like confetti.
So that was today's post! Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think!
And don't forget to Love yourself.
Without Wax,
That Indian Blogger
- Monday, October 08, 2018