January Favorites
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Hello everybody!
So one month of 2016 has come and gone.
This year I'll be in 12th, my final year of school. People say that this year will go in the blink of an eye, and I'm quickly realizing that this is true. But I guess I'll just have to make the most of it!
So I used to do these 'Favorites' post in 2014, and I thought I'd bring them back in 2016! I've been loving a lot of things this month and here are a few!
Before anyone else asks me, no, this is not a part of the After series!
It's a lovely, beautiful story written by Jojo Moyes. It is a love story and it is a BEAUTIFUL one. The first book, Me Before You, completely broke me down. It was just an emotional adventure. It talked about things like euthanasia and whether that's a moral thing or not. If I talk about that book anymore, I will break down right here. The sequel is just equally beautiful. Teaches you that things in your past don't have to define you and who you are today. Also, the first book is being made into a movie, starring the GORGEOUS Sam Clafin and Emilia Clark.
Anyways, this book is definitely worth a read. DO GIVE IT A READ. Hit me up if you want to borrow it from me! xD
So one month of 2016 has come and gone.
This year I'll be in 12th, my final year of school. People say that this year will go in the blink of an eye, and I'm quickly realizing that this is true. But I guess I'll just have to make the most of it!
So I used to do these 'Favorites' post in 2014, and I thought I'd bring them back in 2016! I've been loving a lot of things this month and here are a few!
1. Me Before You and After You
It's a lovely, beautiful story written by Jojo Moyes. It is a love story and it is a BEAUTIFUL one. The first book, Me Before You, completely broke me down. It was just an emotional adventure. It talked about things like euthanasia and whether that's a moral thing or not. If I talk about that book anymore, I will break down right here. The sequel is just equally beautiful. Teaches you that things in your past don't have to define you and who you are today. Also, the first book is being made into a movie, starring the GORGEOUS Sam Clafin and Emilia Clark.
Anyways, this book is definitely worth a read. DO GIVE IT A READ. Hit me up if you want to borrow it from me! xD
2. Long skirts, Trench coats and Marks and Spencer! :P
So this month, I must've made about SIX trips to Marks and Spencer. I have been LOVING every single purchase from those six trips. The first one was a trench coat. Now, in India, it's never really that cold so a trench can be absolutely useless but I've become obsessed with it and grabbing every opportunity I get to wear it, because it just looks so good! I think everybody should have one. I've also been loving the perfumes from there. I'm shit at describing scents so we'll move on to the other purchase, but do give them a sniff if you ever find yourself outside a Marks and Spencer. So, the other purchase that I've become obsessed with are the long skirts. There's just something about them! They just look very elegant and sophisticated. And I'm loving the look! The thing is, my mum isn't too keen on dresses and skirts, even if they are a tiny bit above the knee. So these types of skirts seem to keep both of us happy!
3. Letters and E-mails
Letters from a bae. |
So this past month, I've fallen even more in love with writing. Writing stories, ( Shameless Self Promotion - I write a book on Wattpad now and I would really appreciate it if you guys could check it out here! :P ) scripts, blogs and letters! I feel, writing is like my way of just letting things out and when I write I seem to put my heart and soul into it, so letters to my friends and family, telling them how I feel about them ( good things, I promise! ) and just letting them know that they are absolutely amazing people, just appreciating them is something I love doing!
I also highly recommend it. Don't get someone a card or something from the shop. Just take a piece of paper, be it an A4 sheet or a page from the last few pages of your English notebook and take a pen and just let it rip! It'll mean much more and I think in an age where everybody is just texting or posting pictures online to show their love, this would be a lovely and beautiful thing to do! #BeKindToOneAnother
4. Made In The A.M and Blue Neighbourhood
Two albums that have been constantly on repeat this entire month are, 'Made In The A.M.' by One Direction and 'Blue Neighbourhood' by Troye Sivan. I'm not even kidding when I say 'constantly on repeat'. ALL the songs from both the albums are just beautiful! The lyrics are beautiful! The people who sung and wrote the songs are absolutely beautiful as well! :P You have to give them both a listen but if you want to check out only a few then I highly recommend Infinity, If I Could Fly and Walking in the Wind from the One Direction album and Lost Boy, Youth, Ease and Suburbia from Troye's album. DEFINITELY WORTH THE LISTEN.
5. Royals
Netflix launched in India this month and I couldn't have been more excited, that is, until my dad banned me from watching Netflix without Parental Guidance. *sigh* He thinks there's too much explicit content on there, which is actually true, but still! Anyways one day I was scrolling through the available movies on there (when my mum was next to me of course) and I couldn't make up my mind on one movie. I guess when we're given so many choices, the decision making becomes all that much harder. Finally we settled on a documentary on the British Royal family and I was instantly hooked! So the documentary had about seven episodes, each one covering a topic, like the first one covered Weddings, and I basically sat and watched every one of them, for seven days. But guess what, I didn't stop there, I went on to trusty old Wikipedia and did some more research, and I even followed the royal family on Instagram! Who knew they had an account on there?! Anyways, I now know so much about royals, the way they live and all that and I can probably write an exam on it, but you ask me questions from Physics I wont be able to answer them, even though my finals are coming up in two weeks. Well done Sanjana! xD
Anyways, that's it for this month! I posted a blog every week of January and I have been loving it. I feel vey accomplished. Thank You for all the support!
I shall bid you fare well now.
Hope you enjoyed the blogpost as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Auf Wiedersehen.