Hiiii guys,
Well look who came back from the dead! Yup I've been gone for god knows how long and I just realised that I should really get back to this because it's what I love and it keeps my mind off things! Soo here's to a fresh start!
So I decided to take up the topic 'mind over matter'. Honestly speaking (or rather typing! *ba dum tss*) I don't know wht it means! Well, I do have a vague idea, and I'm just going with the flow so we'll see where this goes! (OMG that rhymes! :P) so here goes nothing! :P
so I guess in our everyday maybe boring and maybe not so boring life, we face stuff that can just slap you in the face sometimes (metaphorically of course!) and basically things that just down right bug you! I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about, if you don't, I really really really envy you! Basically I've learnt that you can have two types of minds, a controlled one and a disturbed one and if you keep only positive thoughts and not let those bugging things in life affect you, you can have a controlled mind! A disturbed one is something you just cannot control, makes you do and say the most stupid things you'll definitely regret later on! And life's too short for regrets! Hence, we mustn't let those bugging things in life bug us! You must be wondering, now how the hell am I supposed to do that when people are out there insulting one direction and stuff!! (I know the feeling! I sympathise with you my friend! :P) but at the end of the day it's just mind over matter, if you don't mind, it won't matter! Just don't get yourself involved in whatever pisses you off and trust me, this honestly works! Even if you do get so pissed off by that one friend who just won't shut up, just take a step back and take a deep breath! You're probably thinking that you've heard this shiz before and it's crap! But it isn't! Trust me on this one! It honestly calms you down! It also gives you the satisfaction that you didn't let that friend see that she can piss you off! Trust me, u get a lot of happiness from that! And come one, you only live once!! (#YOLO moment!! :P) your mind is something's everything, because sometimes what you think, you become! And I think life becomes a whole lot easier you have a mind that you can control! Makes it easier to deal with everything! Good or bad! Life can throw a lot of shiz at you but at the end of the day, when life gives you lemons, you can squeeze the shit out of it or even go ahead and make tomato juice! Just saying!
So yup, mind over matter, up if you don't mind, it won't matter! :D
So yeah! This was my comeback blog post I guess! So many of you have been so active on my Facebook page and I really appreciate the love and support from the bottom of my heart! Thank you sooo much! Hope you loved reading this blog as much as I loved writing it! See you guys soooon!
Songs for the day-
1) Touch - Troye Sivan (OMG u better know who Troye Sivan is!! If you don't, just pleeeeeeeeease look him up! And this song is just THE BOMB)
2) Somebody To You - The Vamps (British boys I tell you!! :P <3 )
3) Superheroes - The Script (OMG this song is beautiful! Just listen to it!)
- Monday, October 27, 2014