Hey everybody!
Soo the last time I posted was in June.
I hope y’all are doing good. I hope someone other than me still knows this blog exists.😅
Here’s hoping.
A lot has happened since I last posted.
I’m in college and I’m 18.
I’m not really sure how I got here.
I’m not going to lie, college has been pretty much a slap to the face whilst I was standing on a cliff.
For 13 years I went to the same school, saw the same faces, same halls and sometimes faced the same pity problems all the time as well. I never had to deal with “adult problems” and I hate to admit it but I was pretty much a sheltered kid all my life. In August however, I started my under graduate degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering at a Government college and let’s just say that things here work a little bit differently.
I’m that sort of stuck up person who likes to live a very scheduled and organized life and let me tell you that schedule was thrown out the window and stomped on and run over in college. I thought entrance exams and board exams and what not was hard? L O L.
My life was turned upside down.
First week of college was brutal. I was pretty much walking around like a headless chicken and being the anti-social butterfly that I am, I wasn't talking to anybody. I didn't even know how to get back home. All that kept running in my head over and over is how I wanted nothing more than to get back to the comfortable and over familiar confines of high school.
Not even a week of college had passed and I was already physically and mentally exhausted.
To be completely honest, I was crying myself to sleep pretty much.
I was all ready to throw in the towel.
I was also about to turn 18 around the same time and it hit me that this is not the way I wanted to walk into my adult years.
In situations like this I feel like the best thing you could do is focus on all the positives. That's what got me through anyways. Every positive little thing you can find.
I found happiness on hearing the change of chords on a guitar in songs, I found happiness, believe it or not, in swiping my metro card at the metro station, because I found it pretty damn cool, judge me all you want😂. I found happiness when my bread dough doubled in size after proving, I find it magical every damn time. I also found happiness just staring at a terrarium. I still can't get over what perfect and cute af plants succulents are.
Anyways the point is, I think in everybody's life there comes a point where you're just about break and you've had enough but don't ever give up because it's always going to get better, you learn something new every day, you adapt to changing environment and if you stay on the right track, everything works out for you in the end.
In terms of turning 18, initially I got kind of excited and then Liza Koshy reminded me in one of her videos that when you're brown and you turn 18, it don't mean anything😆. Which when you think about it, as a young girl in Indian society, it is sooo true. I still have a curfew and I still have to ask my parents every time I want to go out with friends but that aside I think turning 18 throws a lot of other responsibilities your way. It's even just the thought of "omg I am an adult right now" that hits me every time. I find myself doing weather checks and dressing accordingly and wearing shoes that definitely do not go with my outfit but I wear them anyway just because its more comfy and better to walk in. I even find myself buying after wash for my clothes because I've started to do more laundry, VOLUNTARILY😂 I hate to admit, but I'm enjoying it for the most part, even doing the laundry.
Anyways all this doesn't particularly mean that I'm completely fine right now. I still struggle with something or the other everyday, but I think I can get through this hard part.
I know it sounds cliche' but if I can, you definitely can.
Hope you liked this new post. Tell me what you think!
Also, would you guys like to see a recipe as a post? I've been baking a lot recently and I'm in too deep, so let me know!
Thank you for reading this post.
Until next time,
Auf Wiedersehen x

I hope y’all are doing good. I hope someone other than me still knows this blog exists.😅
Here’s hoping.
A lot has happened since I last posted.
I’m in college and I’m 18.
I’m not really sure how I got here.
I’m not going to lie, college has been pretty much a slap to the face whilst I was standing on a cliff.
For 13 years I went to the same school, saw the same faces, same halls and sometimes faced the same pity problems all the time as well. I never had to deal with “adult problems” and I hate to admit it but I was pretty much a sheltered kid all my life. In August however, I started my under graduate degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering at a Government college and let’s just say that things here work a little bit differently.
I’m that sort of stuck up person who likes to live a very scheduled and organized life and let me tell you that schedule was thrown out the window and stomped on and run over in college. I thought entrance exams and board exams and what not was hard? L O L.
My life was turned upside down.
First week of college was brutal. I was pretty much walking around like a headless chicken and being the anti-social butterfly that I am, I wasn't talking to anybody. I didn't even know how to get back home. All that kept running in my head over and over is how I wanted nothing more than to get back to the comfortable and over familiar confines of high school.
Not even a week of college had passed and I was already physically and mentally exhausted.
To be completely honest, I was crying myself to sleep pretty much.
I was all ready to throw in the towel.
I was also about to turn 18 around the same time and it hit me that this is not the way I wanted to walk into my adult years.
In situations like this I feel like the best thing you could do is focus on all the positives. That's what got me through anyways. Every positive little thing you can find.
I found happiness on hearing the change of chords on a guitar in songs, I found happiness, believe it or not, in swiping my metro card at the metro station, because I found it pretty damn cool, judge me all you want😂. I found happiness when my bread dough doubled in size after proving, I find it magical every damn time. I also found happiness just staring at a terrarium. I still can't get over what perfect and cute af plants succulents are.
Anyways the point is, I think in everybody's life there comes a point where you're just about break and you've had enough but don't ever give up because it's always going to get better, you learn something new every day, you adapt to changing environment and if you stay on the right track, everything works out for you in the end.
In terms of turning 18, initially I got kind of excited and then Liza Koshy reminded me in one of her videos that when you're brown and you turn 18, it don't mean anything😆. Which when you think about it, as a young girl in Indian society, it is sooo true. I still have a curfew and I still have to ask my parents every time I want to go out with friends but that aside I think turning 18 throws a lot of other responsibilities your way. It's even just the thought of "omg I am an adult right now" that hits me every time. I find myself doing weather checks and dressing accordingly and wearing shoes that definitely do not go with my outfit but I wear them anyway just because its more comfy and better to walk in. I even find myself buying after wash for my clothes because I've started to do more laundry, VOLUNTARILY😂 I hate to admit, but I'm enjoying it for the most part, even doing the laundry.
Anyways all this doesn't particularly mean that I'm completely fine right now. I still struggle with something or the other everyday, but I think I can get through this hard part.
I know it sounds cliche' but if I can, you definitely can.
Hope you liked this new post. Tell me what you think!
Also, would you guys like to see a recipe as a post? I've been baking a lot recently and I'm in too deep, so let me know!
Thank you for reading this post.
Until next time,
Auf Wiedersehen x
Without Wax,
That Indian Blogger
- Thursday, November 02, 2017