February Favorites
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
Hello everybody!
Guess who is back from their temporary hiatus!
I have now finished my 11th grade exams and from tomorrow I will be in the 12th grade. MY final year of school. I cannot believe it! It honestly feels so surreal! You always think about being in your final year of school but you never truly imagine what it would be like to be in that position. This year is ultimately make it or break it. I am absolutely terrified. But as Divergent as taught me, fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up! Lets hope that it goes that way.
So another month has gone by and it is time for the monthly favorites that I have picked up even though I was practically shut up inside my home for the past 2 weeks.
So that brings this post to an end. Did you guys miss me? I MISSED YOU TOO. I missed this blog. Thank you for reading this post.
A special shoutout to Vittal. Today is his birthday so do check out his blog! You will LOVE it. Happy Birthday again Vittal. :')
Hope you guys liked this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. I shall see you soon with a much more exciting blog post! Until then.
Auf Wiedersehen.
Guess who is back from their temporary hiatus!
I have now finished my 11th grade exams and from tomorrow I will be in the 12th grade. MY final year of school. I cannot believe it! It honestly feels so surreal! You always think about being in your final year of school but you never truly imagine what it would be like to be in that position. This year is ultimately make it or break it. I am absolutely terrified. But as Divergent as taught me, fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up! Lets hope that it goes that way.
So another month has gone by and it is time for the monthly favorites that I have picked up even though I was practically shut up inside my home for the past 2 weeks.
1. Lucky Charms
So the other day I was casually walking down the aisles in a grocery shop when I saw a box of lucky charms on a shelf. Now I know you don't get them here and I've heard so much about them so I bought a box. Let me tell you, that was one of the best decisions I made this month. It honestly is so good. I just cant begin to tell you. It's basically frosted oats with tiny colored pieces of marshmallows in it. ASOLUTELY DEVINE. I don't know why, but I just absolutely fell in love with it. It is a little pricy but I think you should treat yourself to one, definitely worth it.

2. Game Of Thrones
Game of Thrones started coming on TV this month. I don't think it has come here before. One of my friends told me that I just had to watch this 86 time Emmy nominated show, now if that doesn't sell it to you, I don't know what will! There's no way to really describe this show but I can tell you one thing, it is in-tense. The show shows you some crazy things and the worst part is that you really get into it and you will just want to keep watching it. Surprisingly each season has only 10 episode but each episode keeps you on the edge of your seat. Something that this show does is that it makes you fall in love with a character and before you know it, they kill him/her off. It's mad. But I think definitely worth the watch!
3. Book Writing
I never pegged myself as a story writer. I started this blog because I love writing but I never thought I'd ever write a story but three years on Wattpad can definitely instill ideas into your head. Beginning of this year I never thought I'd be so into a writing a book, writing around 1500 words per chapter and just really getting into it! I love the feeling of nobody knowing what's going to happen next in the book, other than me! I feel powerful now you know? Also, my friends have just been so encouraging and supporting about this that I've just been loving it! Do give it a read and tell me what you think about it! Click here to give it a read. :)
4. Into The Woods
So, Into The Woods is a beautiful musical. I never thought I'd like a musical and I only watched this because I'd heard that James Corden plays a character in it and I absolutely LOVE James Corden. The Late Late Show with James Corden is just the best. So that's why I checked this movie out and I fell in love with it. It's a musical that combines all the fairytales you grew up with. All the way from Cinderella to Jack and The Beanstalk to Rapunzel and Red Hiding Hood and so many more! It just takes you back and is honestly worth the watch. I mean, have you ever wondered how a movie with Anna Kendrick and Meryl Streep would be like?? This movie answers that.
5. Peroxide - Nina Nesbitt
Something I love is good, beautiful, acoustic music and that's exactly what I got from Nina Nesbitt' album, 'Peroxide'. The album is a bit old and I only came to know about this artist because I was stalking Ed Sheeran and apparently Nina Nesbitt dated him a while ago and the song 'Nina' from his album 'X' is about her. Yes, you can stop judging me now. So I was just curious and wanted to know what her songs are like and I FELL IN LOVE. Two of the songs from the album, 'The hardest part' and 'Stay Out' are my favorites and have been on repeat this month. 'The Hardest Part' is definitely my favorite song of this month. It can really make you cry, the lyrics are just beautiful. Do giver her a listen!So that brings this post to an end. Did you guys miss me? I MISSED YOU TOO. I missed this blog. Thank you for reading this post.
A special shoutout to Vittal. Today is his birthday so do check out his blog! You will LOVE it. Happy Birthday again Vittal. :')
Hope you guys liked this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. I shall see you soon with a much more exciting blog post! Until then.
Auf Wiedersehen.