Thank You :')

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hiiii guys! Long time no see, I know. I procrastinate tooooo damn much. My worst quality ever!  Hence the absence for over TWO months. Omg. Anyways my new year resolution is to update more often! Hopefully I don't break it! :P So anyways this is the first post of 2015!! Omg but it's been two damn weeks into the new year. 2015. I still haven't got that wrapped around my head! :P 2014 went by too damn fast and it was honestly the best year of mine so far! I got to do loads of new things last year, for example I went in an auto rickshaw by myself for the first time ever!! :P very proud of myself for that XP and I also had a Death By Chocolate from Corner House for the first time ever. OMG if I start talking about how sexy that was I may never stop!! I went through loads of situations for the first time ever, like "real teenager problems" and all that! :P lost some really good friends! :/ visited AMAZING and SEXY places in the most beautiful continent, Europe, for the first time ever! OMG I could go on and on but I have to say that the main highlight of the year was making new friends! There are a few people that you just sort of click with and I'm so very grateful to have met a couple of people like that in 2014. They don't actually realise it but they have literally made my life worth living! Sappy I know but true story! I went through quite a few dark phases last year and those people were by my side every single step of the way! :') Some of them I've known only for about 9 months now but they literally mean the world to me and I never ever want to loose them! The very thought scares me. Even worse than The Conjuring did! And that's saying something! XD :P They probably know who they are as well!  Hopefully! :P Ananya, Vittal, Nita, Sushu, Vid, Teju, Liki, Vidya! :') omg I've never had so much fun in my life as when I'm with you people! We might fight yes, but fights are what make our bonds stronger! :P The doped scenes with you people are what I live for! :P omg so many things I want to say to you guys! Ananya, just omg thank you for being there through it all:') :* Vittal and Nita, thank you for "taking us in" :P and just for all those Magic moments! :') sushu! Thank you for being you! Stud you are. Don't forget. Vidyut! Midnight chat scenes. Enough said. :') :P Teju, Liki and Vidya! Just thank you for everything. :P :D  Ok all in all you guys are amazing and sexy friends! And I just love you peeps. :P those three words though! Said too much but not enough. So rw love you guys!! This has been my online letter of appreciation to you all! :P like I'm just telling the world how sexy you guys are! :P I wish everyone meets people like you peeps in their lives! 

So yeah that was my post of 2-0-1-5! Dedicated to the people mentioned! :P :D whilst I'm thanking everyone, I must say a massive thank you, the reader of this blogpost too! Just thank you for talking some time to read this! :)  hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 
May the odds be ever in your favour! :') 

Songs for the day-
Thinking out loud - Ed Sheeran (OMG this song gives me the feels. Must listen!)
The Fault In Our Stars - Troye Sivan(another MUST LISTEN. The feels.)
Fireproof - One Direction (omg One Direction haters, shut up and listen to this one :P) 

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