Stephen King once said, books are uniquely portable magic, and I must say that I agree with him 100%! Hey guys!! In case you were wondering, that was just my moment of Britishness, if you will! At least that's what I'd like to call it! Anywho this week, I wanted to post this small thing of what I'd like to call "reviews" on books that I have been absolutely loving since I have gotten into a bit of this "reading fever" suddenly so I thought that this would be the most appropriate and easy! Well sort of! When you read you are just transported to this whole other world and let's admit it, we all need a break from reality once in a while! And I wanted to share that experience with you guys! Enjoy the read!
1. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
I had heard a lot about this book, people just went on and on about it and I even saw my friend so engrossed in it in class so I decided that I just had to get my hands on a copy of it! And so I ordered it and let me tell you, I do not regret it one bit! I finished reading it in about 2 or 3 days which is actually quite fast for me! I just absolutely loved the book! It is just an absolutely beautiful story and I actually teared up reading a book, which is actually a first time for me! It's a love story but with twists in it and it actually speaks truth, which you don't really want to read sometimes when you read romance novels or fiction but I guess that's one of the reasons that make it a really good story!
2. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
When you just look at this book, I guess you go like 'oh god such a big book', or something like that, I mean that's what I thought when I first saw the book! What do you expect when you see a 600 pages book anyway?! That aside, one of my friends had bought the book and she made me read it in class and I got really sucked into it! It's a biography so I never thought I'd get so into a book of that sort! Cause in my opinion biographies are popular people's ways of showing off with their lives and stuff! But I have to admit, it is a really good read! I've always had lots of respect for Steve Jobs and this book just increased my respect for him! It's really inspiring I must say. You just a see a whole other side of him through this book, but granted there are a lot of things you probably won't understand like when he talks about the chips and algebra and what not but aside that it's just totally worth the read!
3. Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Connan Doyle
Once you see this you probably are immediately like 'omg such a boring choice' but I sort of had to include this in this post because it's such a classic book that I always have and always will love. I mean how can you not like Sherlock Holmes?! From his witty ways to his attention to details, he's just amazing! I've always loved crime and mystery novels and you can't love crime and mystery if you haven't read Sherlock Holmes!
4. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
As I mentioned earlier, I love crime and mystery novels, and other than Sherlock Holmes how can you not love Agatha Chritstie if you love crime and mystery?! She's just an absolutely amazing novelist (The Queen of Crime as they call her!) and my most favourite book of her's is 'And Then There Were None'. It is sort of scary and the suspense just kills you and the way she kills people in the book is absolutely INGENIOUS and that's what made me love the book sooo much! I reaccomend this book a lot! It's one of those books like 'The Hunger Games' where you cannot put it down and you HAVE to know what happens next!
There are of course lots of other books I have been loving, ranging all the way from the 'Percy Jackson' series to 'Matilda' and from Jeffery Archer series to the Geronimo Stilton series! (Thanks to my brother!) but I figured you guys would probably get bored so this is where I end this week's blog post! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
- Monday, February 17, 2014